
Does Spearmint Tea Really Work for PCOS?

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The market is flooded with various medicines, beverages, and even teas claiming to assist with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). It's common to be unsure about their effectiveness. However, when there is solid research and real-life success stories regarding spearmint tea's potential benefits for PCOS, it's wise to delve deeper and gain a comprehensive understanding of this topic.


Table of contents

1. Why does spearmint tea help PCOS?

2. How does spearmint tea help PCOS?

3. How much spearmint tea would help?

4. Could it help me get pregnant with PCOS?

5. How to use spearmint tea to manage PCOS?

6. Best time to drink spearmint tea for PCOS

7. How long to drink spearmint tea for PCOS?

8. Does Spearmint tea have side effects?

9. Can we drink if we have medications? Does it interact?

10. The Bottom Line

Why does spearmint tea help PCOS?

Spearmint tea has abundant antiandrogenic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammation properties that would help to regulate the periods and it would alleviate the symptoms of PCOS. This spearmint tea drinking is natural and with no side effects it helps you to control your PCOS.

How does spearmint tea help PCOS?

Women with PCOS don’t just go through irregular periods, they add up with abnormal hair growth, hair loss, hormonal acne, diabetes, gut issues, and the list adds on more.. But nature has sourced you spearmint tea alleviate to your symptoms.


Reducing abnormal hair growth

In recent times people showered their social media with posts and threads about this magical drink that reduces excess hair growth. This symptom is medically called hirsutism which occurs when androgen (male hormone) is elevated in females.

As spearmint tea contains anti-androgenic properties naturally it helps us to reduce the elevated androgens and bring back the control by reducing the hirsutism.

Reducing hair loss

Hair loss is the addition that comes with PCOS which occurs due to hormonal imbalances that itself a big part of stress for women with PCOS.

For hair thinning and hair loss, spearmint tea would help you mitigate hair loss and promote hair regrowth by reducing elevated androgen levels.

Reducing acne

You must have come across any one of the reads that talks about the amazingness of spearmint tea on acne and this also occurs because of hormonal imbalance that produces excess sebum and results in acne. 

Spearmint tea would reduce it with anti-inflammatory properties so the acne scars would clear off and stop the upcoming acne spearmint tea has anti-androgenic properties so that it can solve the core issue by balancing the hormones.

Lowering blood sugar levels

Up to 40% of women with PCOS could develop prediabetes, and about half of women with PCOS will have type 2 diabetes by age 40.

So PCOS gives life threats sometimes but when it's time to handle have spearmint tea as it has insulin sensitivity-increasing properties, which helps the body's cells better respond to insulin and regulate blood sugar.


Regulating menstrual cycles

Most people believe that they reported anecdotal benefits from spearmint tea helps in regulating periods by potentially reducing androgen (male hormone) levels in the body, which can be elevated and increase the female hormones to increase the ovulation process in conditions like PCOS.

Improving mood

After experiencing all these symptoms, one would likely feel quite distressed, with significant anxiety and stress.

Drinking spearmint tea continuously for 60-90 days observing gradual changes can lead to an improved mood, increased focus, and a more stress-free life.

How much spearmint tea would help?

One tea bag a day, would be sufficient for 2-3 tea cups and this is the standard level of drinking spearmint tea for PCOS generally, but we suggest you check with your doctor since everybody’s body function and needs differ.

Could it help me get pregnant with PCOS?

Spearmint tea can be a helpful addition if you're trying to get pregnant with PCOS. It works by reducing levels of free testosterone and increasing hormones like Luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and estrogen. By doing so, it helps restore healthy follicular development in the ovaries and promotes ovulation. So, along with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, diet, and regular check-ups, sipping on spearmint tea could be a positive way to support your possibilities for pregnancy.

How to use spearmint tea to manage PCOS?

  • Ensure you buy organic spearmint tea 
  • If you’re getting it has teabags make sure it is in pyramid teabags 
  • Drink regularly for a minimum of 90 days to see the results 
  • Drink 2-3 cups a day, one teabag is sufficient

Best time to drink spearmint tea for PCOS

As a general standard rule, a cup in the morning and evening would be the best time to drink for PCOS.

If you have Diabetes with PCOS it is best to drink post-meal to reduce blood sugar spikes. 


How long to drink spearmint tea for PCOS?

90 days minimum it takes to get habitual to it and react to it. So it would be great if you continued for at least 6 months to show some amazing results for PCOS with spearmint tea.

Does Spearmint tea have side effects?

On a general note, there are no side effects when it comes to spearmint tea as it is natural but when it is consumed in large amounts and if you have already liver or kidney damage, then it may worsen it.  Check with your doctor before adding it to your diet.


Can we drink if we have medications? Does it interact?

Spearmint tea is generally considered safe in moderate amounts, but if you have concerns bout how it might interact with your PCOS medications, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider.

The Bottom Line 

As we have gathered all the information from the studies and research on the effects of spearmint tea on PCOS women, it is clear that spearmint tea is a natural herb that assists & supports PCOS women with their symptoms.

Note that before adding any new food or beverage to your everyday diet consult with your doctor as every body function and needs are different.


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